July 2017
Download press release Finalistes BIOTECH Miguel Prudencio New vaccine against malaria ROPLAVAC has developed an innovative immunization strategy against human malaria, employing a genetically modified rodent malaria parasite as a safe, efficient and versatile vaccination platform. Alex Zwyer Mazindol – A Game Changer for the Treatment of ADHD & Narcolepsy NLS is repurposing and reformulating the wake-promoting agent Mazindol, previously indicated for short term obesity,
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Télécharger le dossier de presse Finalistes BIOTECH Miguel Prudencio New vaccine against malaria ROPLAVAC a développé une plateforme de vaccination sûre, efficace et versatile contre le paludisme avec l’utilisation innovante du parasite murin génétiquement modifié. Alex Zwyer Mazindol – A Game Changer for the Treatment of ADHD & Narcolepsy NLS repositionne et reformule le Mazindol, stimulant du système nerveux central préalablement indiqué comme traitement court
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January 2017
Pour la 9ème année consécutive, notre société de conseil spécialisée en management de l’innovation pour le secteur de la santé humaine, organise le Prix de l’Innovation d’Universal Biotech. Cette compétition internationale a pour objectif de récompenser les projets innovants dans le secteur de la santé développés par de jeunes startups (< 8 ans d’ancienneté) ou des groupes de recherche académique. Cette année, trois prix seront
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For the 9th consecutive year, Universal Biotech, a consulting company specialized in the innovation management in the healthcare sector, launches its call for the Innovation Prize. This prize awards young start-ups ( This year, 3 prizes will be awarded: • Biotech Awards • Medtech Awards • Digitech Awards (health NICTs including e/m-health, platforms and connected objects). Since its launch, this competition has benefited or benefits
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New way to heal burn wounds is under development with Wake Forest School of Medicine‘s 3-D printer. Using various kinds of skin cells, this technology could become helpful in case of extensive burns. Project has undergone animals trials and is waiting on FDA approval to begin clinical trials. Watch the video.
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Des chercheurs de la Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine développent actuellement un dispositif révolutionnaire pour traiter les brûlures sévères à l’aide d’une imprimante 3D. En utilisant différentes cellules de peau, la technologie permettra de favoriser la réparation cutanée dans le cas où les brûlures s’étendent sur de trop grande surfaces. Le projet a été testé sur des animaux et ait en attente d’une validation
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Universal Biotech was present at the 2nd edition of Medicen Day. Success stories were presented, whether in terms of projects labeled and financed, or the success of SMEs supported by Medicen’s teams, to the attractiveness of the region and to the international influence of the cluster. Medicen, an essential actor for the success of the French innovation in the healthcare sector.
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Universal Biotech était présent à la 2ème édition du Medicen Day. De belles réussites présentées, que ce soit en termes de projets labellisés et financés ou bien de la réussite des PME accompagnés par les équipes de Medicen jusqu’à l’attractivité du territoire et au rayonnement international du pôle. Medicen, un acteur incontournable pour la réussite de l’innovation française en santé.
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June 2016
Universal Biotech is a French company specialized in managing and guiding start-ups in the field of biotechnology, that launched Innovation Prize in 2009. Internationally recognized for the quality of selected and presented projects, this award is currently in its pre-selection phase of the 8th edition. Interview with the President of Universal Biotech, Mr Rafi Mardachti. What were your motivations and objectives when creating this competition?
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Universal Biotech is a French company specialized in managing and guiding start-ups in the field of biotechnology, that launched Innovation Prize in 2009. Internationally recognized for the quality of selected and presented projects, this award is currently in its pre-selection phase of the 8th edition. Interview with the President of Universal Biotech, Mr Rafi Mardachti. What were your motivations and objectives when creating this competition?
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June 2016